Segel-Club Enge

Address : Mythenquai 317
City : Zürich
Postcode : 8038
Country : Switzerland
Web :
Email :
Phone : 044 482 91 91
2024 05-05 SCE Ansegeln
2024 05-06 - 09-06 Euro-Cup 2024 O-Jollen
2024 15-06 - 16-06 Saffa-Inseli-Cup Optimist
2024 22-06 ZLC - Zimmerberg-Trophy (Act. 4)
2024 28-06 SCUSZ Plausch-Regatta by SCE
2024 24-08 - 25-08 Yacht-Weekend Bächau
2024 14-09 ZLC - Distanzfahrt Zürich-Horgen-Zürich (Act. 6)
2024 19-10 SCE Absegeln
2024 27-10 SCRG Plausch-Regatta by SCE
Publication information

The provided publication information apply to all content published on by Segel-Club Enge.

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Club Name Segel-Club Enge
Associated Club Swiss Sailing Federation
Authorized Representatives Präsident Rolf Bachmann |  Vize-Präsident Hubertus Van Waes | Kassierin Sonja Pfurtscheller | Regatta Präsident Fredi Stucki
Executive Committee Members Aktuar Martin Bunjes | Anlagenchef Hubertus Van Waes | Juniorenleiter Fabian Meier | Event-Management Sabine Leuthold
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