K.Z.& R.V. Hollandia

Adresse : Vaarwerkhorst 37
Poststed : Enschede
Postnummer : 7531HK
Land : Netherlands
E-post : penningmeester@kzrvhollandia.nl
Telefon : 0650238385
2024 03.05 - 05.05 Springcup 2024
2024 01.06 - 02.06 DHPSC evenement 2024
2024 20.09 - 22.09 2024 Open Dutch Championship ILCA 7, 6, Finn, 29er and Nacra 15 Class Event ILCA 4, 49er and 49er FX
Offentlig informasjon

The provided publication information apply to all content published on manage2sail.com by K.Z.& R.V. Hollandia.

Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag 

Foreningsnavn K.Z.& R.V. Hollandia
Samarbeids klubb Watersportverbond
MVA nummer No VAT
© 2013 ST Software s.r.o. (Version: 1.0.1039.0)